The Ultimate Guide to Master Social Media Advertising

Advertisement in the World of Social Media

In this article, we will have a look at Advertisement In The World Of Social Media. We all are familiar with Paid Social Media Advertising sites but there are very few people who know about Social Media Advertising Effectiveness. So don't worry about this article will help you out to know about social media advertising and the best social media advertising sites.

Social Media Advertising

First, have a look at what is social media advertising?

When it comes to advertising your product or services on various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin, Twitter, etc it's called social media advertising. These Ads are paid Ads that are charged on a pay per click model or cost per thousand impression model.

Remember there are two ways "Paid Social Media Advertising and "Organic Social Media Advertising. Organic is free of cost but it takes to give results.

So this was the short intro on social media advertising.

Now we will go through the best Social Media advertising platform to advertise your products. 

Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp are very renowned and the most popular social media platforms which are used by every generation so advertising on this platform is very effective rather than any other platform.

we will check this in detail one by one

What is Facebook advertising?

Facebook advertising is a place that provides a platform for you to place promotion or product offered in the news feed of a specific targeted audience.

Considering the following reasons advertising on Facebook should be a pretty good idea.

  • Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms with millions of users, so that's why a lot of people spend a lot of time on Facebook which means they are rife with advertising potential 
  • You can find a perfect audience for your product that will find your Facebook ads Relevant.
  • By spending lesser money you can reach you are products and services to a lot of people.
  • By extension of the last point, you will also be increasing brand awareness among the audience.
  • Facebook Ads help you with retargeting the existing audiences.
  • It helps increase revenue, sales, and leads.

Why should we use Facebook Ads?


When it comes to traditional advertising for example ads on paper, television, etc, you tend to reach a lot of people who are unwanted which are not interested in your product ads. But in Facebook ads, you can target specific people who you want to buy your products and yes! it cost less compared to traditional advertising.

For example: if you have a store of fish food and you are distributing pamphlets to each and every house in your locality.

The people who had a fish definitely, they will buy your product but the people who don't have a fish so why would they buy your fish food, right?

So this is one of the disadvantages of traditional advertising. Out of 100 percent, there is a possibility that 50 to 60 percent of your pamphlet advertising is going to worth or maybe lesser?

Here comes the Savior, Facebook advertising. Through Facebook ads, you can set your TARGETED audience, location, and also you can set the option to people who have a fish.

This makes sure that you will be reaching your right targeted audience and also with the less cost compared to your pamphlets.

How effective is Facebook Advertising?

As there are many online advertising platforms. If you advertise on that platform users also buy your product but there are more chances that they see an advertisement on Facebook had to click on it and directly purchase your product. There might be a possibility of there revisiting your website and buy a product from you again.

This is because among many social media sites Facebook is one of the most popular sites with billions of users. People spend lots of time on it. So there is a possibility that users engaged in your product faster as compared to any other advertising platform.

Now here the question arises why should we advertise on Facebook? Here is why

Marketing Objectives:

The main reason for advertising on Facebook is for marketing purposes. it depends upon your product or business that you were selling. it also matters for the objective you choose to run the Facebook Ad campaign.

Facebook has categorized your marketing objective into three broad categories for awareness, consideration, and conversion. We will check this one by one.

Awareness- there are two types of advertising campaigns that can be run under awareness. I.e. is brand awareness and reach.

Brand awareness is to increase the popularity and awareness of your brand amongst the masses and with reach.

Consideration- this is the most popular used objective category to run an Ad campaign. At this you can create Ads for traffic, engagement, app installment, messaging, lead generation, video views, etc...

Conversion- this category covers for conversion, catalog sales, and store visits. You can design a certain action on your website which will count as a conversion like a purchase or a need letter sign up. Catalog sale is specially designed for the sale of products under a catalog you create in your Ads Manager.

Social Media Advertising Tips:

Interest to target

This is a very effective and useful feature of Facebook that allows you to select specific and certain interests of your audience that you are targeting.

Facebook Pixel

You don't have to worry about re-marketing when you have a Facebook pixel at your service. It allows you to track different activities and create remarketing audiences so that you may easily retarget the customer who hasn't buy from you.

Facebook attribution

This is one of the great in the built tools of Facebook ads manager which aids you in comparing your different Facebook ads campaign as you to know which one is underperforming and which one is not. You have better traction on things.

Global reach and use of Facebook

That is a fact! That we all know Facebook is used all over the planet and it will definitely help to reach the targeted audiences and will increase your sale.

Now let's go for Instagram advertising.

Instagram Ads

Instagram Ads work essentially the same way as Facebook Ads. due to the fact that Instagram is owned by Facebook and uses the same Ad manager. Insta Ads are very straight forward and simple to use. They are easy to navigate and best of all they have proven to be able to drive amazing results.

Instagram has 1 billion active monthly users and 500 million of those people use it daily. Keep in mind they see a lot of Ads every day so you would need something that stands out.most of the people who use Instagram are between the ages of 18 to 44 however, it is best to place to advertise your product that the youth love to buy.

Does Instagram Ads work?

The answer is yes!

Here's how Instagram advertising is going to work:

  1. Choose your marketing objective

You can choose between the following:

  • Brand awareness
  • Reach
  • Traffic
  • Engagement
  • App install
  • Video views
  • Lead generation
  • Messages
  • Conversion 
  • Catalog sales
  • Store visit
  1. Choose the advertising type:

Instagram offers five Ad formats:

  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Carousels
  • Canvas story Ads
  • Story Ads
  1. Choose the target audience:

Facebook Ads work well because you can target a specific set of people. The exact same targeting method is applied to Instagram. Target your AUDIENCES by selecting certain factors like location age, gender, demographics, interest, behavior, connections, or languages.

  1. Create your Ad

Write your caption and create your photos or videos Ad.

  1. Choose your campaign duration (or don't)
  1. Launch your Ad!

Social Media Advertising Tips:

Remember to choose the photo you want to post on Instagram wisely. This can be difficult but try to remember those points when considering a winner!

  • Does the photo fit in with the brand image you have already created or typed to create? Or does it goes against it?
  • How big of the following does the person whose photo you want to share have?
  • Is the photo appropriate for your current audience?

When you are running your business advertisement you have to be sure that everything you post is in tune with your brand message. Not even on Instagram but on every Social media platform were you are wondering to market your business.

What is WhatsApp Advertising?

It is said that WhatsApp ads are a part of WhatsApp status, a feature that the messaging platform introduced a couple of years ago. Nowadays WhatsApp status show pictures, videos text, and many other multi Media flies that contact can upload On their status Whatsapp advertising will work in a similar manner. Whatsapp Ads shows there Ads according to the behavior and interest of their users.

Whatsapp Ads will appear on the status and will be visible to users. The Whatsapp status Ads will just show the name of the advertiser and glimpse of the Ad. To view the entire Ad users will need to swipe up.

So, this was some information about advertising on the three most popular platform i.e Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp.

The social media advertising platform not just ends at these three platforms there are many more platforms to accept these three, The also one of the famous Social Media advertising platforms is Youtube.

Hope! This article will help you to use the best three social media platforms to promote your products and services. and you might come to know social media advertising advantages.

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The Ultimate Guide to Master Social Media Advertising The Ultimate Guide to Master Social Media Advertising Reviewed by Saad Khan on June 17, 2020 Rating: 5


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